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41. <Descriptive and narrative physics. / If one begins to reflect upon the flame of a fire, how does one proceed? By dissecting. (Fiery smoke, fiery steam – fiery air, fiery aether, fiery solid, fiery liquid.)>

42. MATHEMATICS. The exposition of mathematics must itself be mathematical. / Mathematics of mathematics.

43. (MEDICINE). Intoxication from strength – intoxication from [weakness]. Narcotic poisons, wine etc. induce an intoxication from weakness – they deprive the organ of thought of something. – They render it unreceptive to its normal stimuli. / Passions, fixed ideas are perhaps more an intoxication from strength – they induce localized inflammations. / Lust intoxicates as well, like wine. In the intoxication from weakness one has many more vivid and penetrating sensations. The more meditative, the more non-sensual.

44. <Reduction of intricate figures to simpler ones. So too with larger figures etc.>

45. <Stieglitz's architectonic dictionary.>

46. <One studies a machine (concept of a machine) either in its static or mechanical aspects i.e. either in connection with the harmony of its parts, or in motion – this is the principal consideration for the mechanist.>

47. (TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC PEDAGOGY). The apprentice must not yet reason. First he must become mechanically skilled, and only then may he begin to reflect and strive for insight and order concerning that which was learnt. Rash thinking sets one back more than it advances. This duty of the scientific beginner belongs to the general duty of taking hold of his reason – This taking hold of the reason can also become an art.

48. <Remarks on Kant's reply to Hufeland.>

49. PSYCHOLOGY AND ENCYCLOPEDISTICS. Something only becomes clear through representation. One understands a thing most easily if one sees it represented. Thus one understands the ego only insofar as it is represented by the non-ego. The non-ego is the symbol of the ego, and merely serves in the self-understanding of the ego. And conversely, one only understands the non-ego insofar as it is represented by the ego and becomes its symbol. In relation to mathematics one can say that in order to become understandable mathematics must be represented. One science can only be truly represented by another science. Therefore the pedagogical foundations of mathematics must be symbolic and analogical. A known science must serve as an image for mathematics, and this fundamental equation must be the principle in the presentation of mathematics. / Just as anthropology is the basis for human history, so the physics of mathematics is the basis for the history of mathematics. Physics as such is archetypal, actual history. Normal so-called history is merely derived history. /
/ God Himself is only understandable through [re]presentation. /

PHILOSOPHY./ Originally knowledge and action are mixed – then they separate, and at their goal they should again be united, and cooperative, harmonious, but not mixed.
One will at once know and act in a reciprocal manner – know, how and what one does, do, how and what one knows./
</Chemistry is the art of matter /unisono/, Mechanics, the art of motion /dissono/. Physics /synthesis. / combined chemistry and mechanics (harmony) the art of life./>

[50.] ENCYCLOPEDISTICS. Transcendental physics is the first science, yet the lowest – like the Doctrine of Science [Wissenschaftslehre]. Eschenmayer calls it the metaphysics of Nature. It treats of Nature, before it becomes Nature – in those states, where mixture and motion, (matter and force) are still one. Its subject is chaos. Transformation of chaos into harmonious heaven and earth. / Concept of heaven. Theory of the true heaven – of the interior universe. / Heaven is the soul of our galaxy – and the latter is its body.
/ Chemistry, the art of the variation (preparation) of matter. Force and motion are synonymous. Mechanics – art of the variation of motion – art of the modification of motion. practical physics – art of modifying Nature – of generating Natures at will. Nature and the realm of the living are one and the same. Chemistry and mechanics still have something chaotic about them. <Their exposition will therefore certainly depend on transcendental physics.> In practical physics, or in higher chemistry and mechanics / it seems to me that the mechanics of chemistry and the chemistry of mechanics are suitably dependent sciences / Are there only combinations of matter and not mixtures, combinations of motion, not mixtures, and combinations of matter and motion, not mixtures? – Contrasted with this, are there in chemistry only mixtures of matter – and motions of matter (force bearing substances), and likewise in mechanics, only mixtures of motion and substances of motion (material forces)?
The modern view of natural phenomena is either chemical, or mechanical / Newton and Euler on light./ The scientist of practical physics views Nature as both autonomous and self-altering, and being in harmonious accord with the spirit. Nature's chemistry is higher – it unites matter without destroying its individuality, and brings forth higher republican bodies. So too its mechanics. The former has one medium in common with the latter – matter and motion paired through mutual inclination – / + and – , masculine and feminine form./ Force and matter in harmony – various substances and motions simultaneously combine with one another. Each one is indirectly proposed. Moralization of Nature.
Magical chemistry, mechanics and physics belong in an entirely different domain.
Facture is opposed to Nature. The spirit is the artist. / Facture and Nature mixed – separated – united. When mixed, they are the concern of transcendental physics and poetics – When separated, the concern of practical physics and poetics – When united, the concern of higher physics and poetics.
Higher philosophy is concerned with the marriage of Nature and spirit.
Chemical and mechanical psychology. Transcendental poetics. practical poetics. Nature begets, the spirit makes. Il est beaucoup plus commode d'être fait, que de se faire lui même.

PSYCHOLOGY. Love is the final goal of world history – the One of the universe.

(Translation by David W. Wood.)

[no. 31-40]


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