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Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)

Spiritual Songs (1799-1800)

Translated by George MacDonald. First published in
Rampolli: Growths from a Long-Planted Root,
Longmans, Green, and Co., London 1897.

Note on this Edition (f.f.)

I. (Without thee, what were life or being!)
II. (Dawn, far eastward, on the mountain!)
III. (Who in his chamber sitteth lonely)
IV. (Of the thousand hours me meeting)
V. (If I him but have)
VI. (My faith to thee I break not)
VIII. (Weep I must – my heart runs over)
IX. (He lives! he's risen from the dead!)
X. (The times are all so wretched!)
XI. (I know not what were left to draw me)
XII. (Earth's Consolation, why so slow?)
XIII. (When in hours of fear and failing)
XIV. (Who once hath seen thee, Mother fair)
XV. (In countless pictures I behold thee)


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Letzte Änderung am 01.06.2004.
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Jermey Adler:
»Novalis & Philo-Sophie«

The Times LS, 16.04.2008
Mit Novalis durchs Jahr
Krit. Ausgabe, 28.09.2007
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