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Novalis im Netz



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Aquarium > Sekundäres > The Life of Novalis > 0. Preface

0. Preface

Some twenty years ago, I got interested in Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis), the romantic poet in the middle of Goethe's era, and started to collect material for dramatic treatment or a film script. These plans never resulted, only this biographical sketch survived as a by-product of this engagement. I adapted it for an internet audience, for whom it will have some merit, I hope.

February 2002
Walter Hedderich

1. Childhood


[ document info ]
Letzte Änderung am 03.03.2002.
© 1997-2006 f.f., l.m.
Jermey Adler:
»Novalis & Philo-Sophie«

The Times LS, 16.04.2008
Mit Novalis durchs Jahr
Krit. Ausgabe, 28.09.2007
Novalis und der Orient

Novalis en français
Novalis im Feuilleton
Neu im »Aquarium«
Neue Bücher 2007