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Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)

Hymns to the Night (1800)

Translated by George MacDonald. First published in
Rampolli: Growths from a Long-Planted Root,
Longmans, Green, and Co., London 1897.

Note on this Edition (f.f.)

I. (Before all the wondrous shows ...)
II. (Must the morning always return?)
III. (Once when I was shedding bitter tears ...)
IV. (Now I know when will come the last morning ...)
V. (In ancient times an iron Fate lorded it ...)
VI. (Longing after Death)


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Letzte Änderung am 28.05.2004.
© 1997-2006 f.f., l.m.
Jermey Adler:
»Novalis & Philo-Sophie«

The Times LS, 16.04.2008
Mit Novalis durchs Jahr
Krit. Ausgabe, 28.09.2007
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